I can't connect to the Mie University WiFi








There are some pics in Japanese. But the descriptions will help you to connect to WiFi.


Step1. Connect to the Mie University Internal WiFi

1-1. Press the WiFi icon at the right bottom on your computer.

1-2. You can choose either "mieu-mobile-a" or "mieu-mobile-g."

1-3. Press "Connect" button.

1-4. Enter password

You can get the password here.

1-5. Select "No."

CAUTION: If you choose "Yes", the other users in the same network will be able to see your computer.

Step 2. Authentication

2-1. Open your browser. (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, etc.)

2-2. Access to Mie University Official Site (http://www.mie-u.ac.jp).

NOTE: You will see the authentication page of internal network instead of Mie University Official Site.

2-3. Authorize.

Firstly, you should fill the authentication form with your student ID and your password.

Then, press "Connect" button.

2-4. Done.

Congrats. You can browse wherever you wanna go.


Step1. Connect to the Mie University Internal WiFi

1-1. Press the WiFi icon at the right top on your computer.

1-2. You can choose either "mieu-mobile-a" or "mieu-mobile-g."

1-3. Enter password

You can get the password here.

Step 2. Authentication

2-1. Open your browser. (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.)

2-2. Access to Mie University Official Site (http://www.mie-u.ac.jp).

NOTE: You will see the authentication page of internal network instead of Mie University Official Site.

2-3. Authorize.

Firstly, you should fill the authentication form with your student ID and your password.

Then, press "Connect" button, and you will see this page if the authentication is succeeded.

2-4. Done.

Congrats. You can browse wherever you wanna go.


NOTE: These pics are for "Lenovo Tablet TB-8704X " with Android 7.1.1. The actual way is up to your device and OS version.

Step1. Connect to the Mie University Internal WiFi

1-1. Open Configuration App

1-2. Select "Wi-Fi"

1-3. You can choose either "mieu-mobile-a" or "mieu-mobile-g."

1-4. Enter password

You can get the password here.

Step 2. Authentication

2-1. Open your browser. (Chrome, Firefox, etc.)

2-2. Access to Mie University Official Site (http://www.mie-u.ac.jp).

NOTE: You will see the authentication page of internal network instead of Mie University Official Site.

2-3. Authorize.

Firstly, you should fill the authentication form with your student ID and your password.

Then, press "Connect" button, and you will see this page if the authentication is succeeded.

2-4. Done.

Congrats. You can browse wherever you wanna go.


Step1. Connect to the Mie University Internal WiFi

1-1. Press the Setting icon

1-2. You can choose either "mieu-mobile-a" or "mieu-mobile-g."



1-3. Enter password

You can get the password here.

Step 2. Authentication

2-1. Open your browser. (Safari, etc.)

2-2. Access to Mie University Official Site (http://www.mie-u.ac.jp).

NOTE: You will see the authentication page of internal network instead of Mie University Official Site.

2-3. Authorize.

Firstly, you should fill the authentication form with your student ID and your password.

Then, press "Connect" button, and you will see this page if the authentication is succeeded.

2-4. Done.

Congrats. You can browse wherever you wanna go.